Saturday, February 16, 2008

Making A Decision About The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Hybrid Cars Just Got Easier

Making A Decision About The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Hybrid Cars Just Got Easier 
Concerned citizens and activists, Andy Grant and Taylor Reid launched in response to rising gas prices, America's dependence on foreign oil and increasing pollution. "I was angry about the continuous increase in the cost of gas and getting such poor mileage in my SUV and hybrid cars seem like the best answer," said Grant, a professional business writer. "So we wrote a book and created a Website to present all the basic facts and keep people updated on developing technology."They feel the subject is an important topic to showcase since hybrid cars will increase in popularity, because they make so much sense economically and environmentally. "There's no better way to reduce our consumption of foreign oil, save money on gas and help the environment," said Reid, a search engine analyst. "Hybrid cars may change the way people view their responsibility as a global citizen. 

I know I've changed mine."The book is in the form of an electronic eBook, which can be ordered through the Website and read on the computer or printed out. The Website has extensive information, articles and resources about hybrid cars and other alternative fuels being developed. "The book explains the whats, hows and whys using non-technical language," said Rob Wilder, who wrote the foreword to the book. Wilder, an environmental activist is President of the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Institute.The monthly newsletter keeps people updated on all the new hybrid car releases. "The year 2005 will be the year hybrid cars take off," commented Grant. 

"Our Website and newsletter have all the current news as the each manufacturer releases its hybrid." "Californians are forward-thinking and have already invested in hybrid cars," said Reid. "We're hoping the rest of the nation will too."To order a free report, go to For more information send an e-mail to e-mail protected from spam bots or call 858-350-5235.. 

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